Outgoing directors: Prof. dr. Geert Carmeliet (Biomedical Sciences, Campus Gasthuisberg) Prof. dr. ir. Martine Wevers (Science, Engineering & Technology, MTM)
Incoming directors: Prof. dr. Mieke verstuyf (Biomedical Sciences, Campus Gasthuisberg) Prof. dr. ir. Yentl Swolfs (Science, Engineering & Technology, MTM)
Guest professor: Prof. dr. ir. Greet Kerckhofs
Technical staff: Carla. Geeroms, Lieve. Verlinden, Ir. Johan Vanhulst
Coordinator: Dr. Jeroen Soete
Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, 3001 Leuven, BE
Materials Engineering, X-ray lab: 91.15
Campus Gasthuisberg
Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, BE