RL1 work

Micro-electronics (in collaboration with imec)

In the microelectronics industry, XCT is commonly used for failure analysis of chip packages and printed circuit bords (PCB). Imec (www.imec.be) investigates and develops innovative nano- and digital technologies. Some of these developments require non-destructive imaging of the internal structure. An important example is 3D-technology, but also development in other technologies, such as battery, optical […]

Micro-electronics (in collaboration with imec) Read More »


VoxTex is the software for the analysis of nano- or microfocus X-ray computed tomography images of fibrous materials and their transformation into finite element and computational fluid dynamics models (https://www.mtm.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/scalint/Composites/software/VoxTex): Segmentation of a micro-CT image of fibrous materials, based on two-parameter analysis: gray scale density and degree of anisotropy Quantification of the micro-CT image Seamless transfer

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Community mask research

Respiratory viruses, like the coronavirus, spread between humans via direct contact, respiratory droplets and fine-particle aerosols (see figure below). Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand and prices for personal protective equipment, such as medical face masks, has been up to 100 and 20 times higher than normal, respectively. Shortages of medical masks has

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XCT provides 3D information on the internal composite structure. The X-ray attenuation contrast between the fibres, matrix and voids allows segmentation, visualization and quantitative analysis (volume fraction, fibre orientation, etc.) of the different phases. Furthermore, deformation and mechanical damage of in-situ loaded samples can be detected by 4D-XCT and quantified by digital volume correlation, a

Composites Read More »


In-situ stepwise and dynamic imaging Time-resolved imaging is a necessity in our research, as many processes we study under compression, tension, bending, imbibition, or during heating, are time dependent. Time is, therefore, the fourth dimension (4D-XCT)to be considered. Depending on the specific research, the changes to the microstructure can be relatively slow (hours or even

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